HFC - Hereford Football Club
HFC stands for Hereford Football Club
Here you will find, what does HFC stand for in Firm under Sports category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hereford Football Club? Hereford Football Club can be abbreviated as HFC What does HFC stand for? HFC stands for Hereford Football Club. What does Hereford Football Club mean?Hereford Football Club is an expansion of HFC
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Alternative definitions of HFC
- Heterozygosity- Fitness Correlations
- Hydro Fluro Carbon
- Hydro Fluoro Carbon
- Hybrid Fiberoptic Coaxial
- Hunting For A Cure
- Hydrofluorocarbon
- Hybrid Fiber Coax
- Hybrid Fiber Coaxial
View 104 other definitions of HFC on the main acronym page
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- HPCL Harrison Public Company Limited
- HC House of Cadres
- HSUB High School Upward Bound
- HCUK Hamilton College UK
- HCL Henson Crisp Limited
- HJ Ham and Juice
- HT Hydraulics of Texas
- HP The Hanger Project
- HHT Holland Historical Trust
- HHCU Highveld Horse Care Unit
- HNWM HN Web Marketing
- HROH HR On Hire
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